Official Site of the California HEAT

Practice Calendar
Register Now
Photo Album
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Register Now

You can register for our programs by downloading the registration forms and mailing them to the HAC office with payment, or you can register and pay online using your credit card:

Register & Pay Online:
1.  Fill out the registration form below
2.  Click on the Pay Now link to pay by credit card

Player Registration:
Player Name:
 * required
Mother's Name:
 * required
Father's Name:
 * required
Email address:
 * required
Secondary Email:
Mailing address:
Mother's Cell #:
 * required
Father's Cell #
 * required
Date of Birth:
 * required
 * required
 * required

For Sibling Discount verification.  Please submit one form for each player.

Medical Insurance Company:
 * required
Medical ID #:
 * required
Medical Conditions:
Uniform/T-Shirt Size

I hereby agree to the financial responsibility for my child's participation in the selected programs. By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I will responsible for all applicable fees and I understand that all monies paid toward the program(s) are non-refundable and nontransferable.

I hereby authorize the staff of Higgins Athletic Corporation and California Heat to act for me to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention and I hereby waive and release HAC and  CA Heat from any and all liability for injuries or illnesses incurred while participating in the program. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment that would be affected by the above named player's participation in the program. I understand that I am required to maintain and carry accident medical insurance coverage for the child listed on this application, and I verify that the coverage information attached herewith is active, accurate and true. I also understand HAC and CA Heat retains the right to use for publicity and advertising purposes photographs and or video of players taken during program events.

I have read and agree to the Release of Liability Authorization
Program(s) Selected:

Player Registration Payment

California HEAT * 15728 Blackhawk Street * Granada Hills * CA* 91344


"Helping to train our future stars."

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